Married With Purpose?
Is your marriage red hot — glowing with power and intensity — or is it drab, dull, lifeless with the cold gray ashes ready to be swept into the trash can? What Color is YOUR marriage? Are you truly “Married With Purpose?”
This is a huge question with even bigger ramifications…
Divorce and marriage dissolutions have turned into a pandemic — and by some estimates — now over 53% of all marriages do not stand the test of time. The rate of NEW marriages is falling, and the failure rate of EXISTING marriages is rising.
According the US Census Bureau: American Living Arrangements, the number of divorced people has more than quintupled from 4.3 million in 1970 to 23.7 million in 2010. This is no longer just a crisis… it has become a full-blown emergency.
In fact, no longer are divorce/marriage statistics measured by the Census Bureau (which has tracked marriage numbers for the last 100 years.)
These stats are currently being monitored by the CDC: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Apparently, divorce is an infectious disease transmitted by kissing!
All kidding aside, the numbers, as bad as they are, do not begin to tell the real story of hopelessness, helplessness and sheer desperation.
Men and women suffer. Children suffer. Employers and friends suffer.
Emotionally. Physically. Financially. Spiritually.
The cost to families, the community and the economy is staggering.
It’s time to make marriage worthwhile — again. To make it truly matter.
“Growing in love and growing your marriage is not about better communication and getting more information. It’s about your Conviction, Commitment and Connection with your performance on a deep personal and spiritual level.” ~ Gregory Cunningham
From Heartbreak to Happily Ever After…
This site, Marriage With Purpose and the accompanying resources, are all designed to help you IMMEDIATELY strengthen your marriage — not with more or better information — but by SEEING precisely where you are… and taking the exact sequence of steps — in the right order — to improve the dynamics of your marriage.
We will help you fill in the missing colors in your paint by numbers dreams.
Follow our systematic methodology to personal and professional excellence, and just like working on a “paint by numbers” canvas, you will start to see a brilliant picture emerge — coming alive with a vibrant explosion of colors — jumping out of the frame making you go “WOW… what a beautiful act of creation!”
From Good to Great… and Great to Exceptional…
A little background information before continuing.
If you are in an Average to GOOD marriage, we have some GREAT news for you. You have just found the tools, technology and people to help you quickly move from GOOD to GREAT!
A word of caution…
Just like any other area of life, a marriage can undergo subtile — and not so subtile — changes that quickly affect you and your partner. Worse, these changes can cause your relationship to rapidly deteriorate.
One day everything is just fine. The next day, BANG, you find yourself on the slippery slope to a STRUGGLING marriage, or worse, TOXIC.
While it can be done, it is VERY difficult to take a TOXIC marriage and move it to GOOD — but it takes a LOT more effort than moving from Good to Great… or Great to Exceptional (which requires virtually no effort… just some time.)
The smart strategy is to move out of merely Average / Mediocre territory and move UP to a Great Marriage… as fast as you possibly can.
Permitting a Good marriage to drop down to Struggling breaks our heart… because it is so easily avoided. The key is to not let it drop any further, and take the time and effort NOW to move it back up the continuum from Struggling to Good… Good to Great… and Great to Exceptional.
The categories we discuss in Marriage With Purpose were established so you can immediately SEE which general group you fall into — so you can take the appropriate action NOW — not someday, sometime down the road. By “drilling down” further and further, we help you see precisely what you must do differently to stop the backsliding, and start moving forward to a life of pure joy.
Mission: Immediately Strengthen Your Marriage…
If you are ready for real change ‚ especially in your marriage, we highly recommend you start with Marriage With Purpose: From Magic First Kiss to Happily Ever After.
“You only succeed in relationships to the proportion that you work at them. The journey of healing is a road and not a couch. You don’t just sit there and get better.”
“Great marriages are never ever made by two compatible people who don’t have problems. Great marriages are always made by two people who are generally compatible but have a lot of really bad issues.”
“You get on that road and you learn to resolve issues, to meet each other’s needs, to respect each other through the fires and trials of life. You learn to do that and marriage gets better and better and better.” ~ Pastor Jimmy Evans, founder MarriageToday
Please Join Our Making Marriage Matter Initiative…

Regardless of where you are on the marriage continuum, we are dedicated to helping you create a marriage that matters — a high-energy, conviction-driven partnership where you both live ALL your Someday Dreams… together. Sign up for special programs, TeleSeminars and more!
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