Success In Marriage Inspiration — On Mutual Conflict
Success In Marriage Inspiration
On Mutual Conflict
This would be number 4 in this “Success In Marriage Inspiration” series. You know — if you have read the others — that the goal here is these to be…
Short enough to read with ease,
Inspirational enough for you to say on the inside something like “That was pleasurable,”
And meaningful enough to be helpful to you.
And again, “How can it be helpful?” Answer… because in the end you supply your own tailor made next steps!
Now on to today’s original success in marriage inspiration quote…
On Mutual Conflict…
Choosing to have mutual conflict
become the playing field where we celebrate victory…
As opposed to the battle field
where the only winners are division and discord.
© Lee Wise
Success In Marriage Inspiration
On Mutual Conflict — Reflections
“Oh, wow, that sure sounds nice but it sure ain’t easy either!” Correct. It is not easy.
Just ask any good, quality athletic coach: there always a price to that needs to be paid for victory. Always.
And it’s certainly no different in the marriage relationship. While praying and seeking the Lord for success in marriage…
Conflicts will raise their awfully ugly and not-so-ugly heads yet our goal should be to be win together as a unit. You got that, right? As a unit.
We should not slide into, promote, or otherwise seek to gain “victory” at the expense of such marriage-saving and God-honoring goals as…
And encouragement.
We desire to win in love, not in hollow victories.
We desire to win in love, not by handing out hurtful defeats.
We desire to win in love because winning in love is a critical love factor as we strive for success in marriage.
Naturally, we do this with…
The Lord’s help,
The Lord’s guidance,
And for the Lord’s honor…
But that’s the goal: winning in the right way.
Yes, success in marriage means…
“Choosing to have mutual conflict
become the playing field where we celebrate victory…
As opposed to the battle field
where the only winners are division and discord.”
Success In Marriage Inspiration
On Mutual Conflict — Questions
Taking enough time to prayerfully reflect on the thoughts and quotes shared, what comes immediately to mind?
Should your son or daughter be thinking about getting married in the near future and he were to say: “You guys do pretty well in the conflict area when it comes to marriage: what’s your ‘secret’? What advice would you give me?” What would you say?
Success In Marriage Inspiration
On Mutual Conflict — Your Take Away
“My one positive, affirming, “success in marriage inspiration” takeaway for today is….
© Lee Wise All rights reserved. You may freely distribute this inspirational note. The copyright and this resource box must be included.
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