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Making Marriage Matter Again

Success In Marriage Inspiration – 3 Heart Affirmations

Success In Marriage Inspiration

3 Heart Affirmations

My purpose in this brief post if for it to be…

Brief enough to take in quickly,
Inspirational enough to bring a bit of encouragement your way,
And helpful enough to be meaningful for you… today!

“How meaningful today?”  Answer: by your designing in your own “takeaway.”

With those thoughts in mind, why not start by thinking about this more general affirmation below.  It should help to set the stage for the rest of this inspirational article.   Here you go…

“I will always seek success in marriage
while striving to experience
success in life with Jesus.”

A Preview Of Our 3 Heart Affirmations…

Let’s look at a summary first.  And, I would suggest that as you look you pray.  Maybe something like this…

“Lord, I ask  as I review these simple affirmations that you will strengthen me to hear what you have for me and strengthen to respond well to what I hear.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”

And now for your preview:

By the grace and power of God I will

Make honor a way of seeing,
Gratefulness a way of speaking,
And Responding in self-control a way of emoting.”

Success In Marriage Inspiration

Affirmation # 1

Again, here is the affirmation…

“I will make honor a way of seeing.”

When it comes to success in marriage, perspective is far from trivial: perspective is critical.  Absolutely critical.


How we see on the inside molds how we act on the outside. In fact, how we see also determines to a large degree how we feel.

Again, how we look at things from the inside effects like crazy how we feel and act from the inside out.

By the grace of God, we need to major on this: honoring from within for the purpose of consistently expressing loving, honor-to-be-felt on the inside of the one you love.

Honor builds up, sets the stage for growth, and prevents marital sabotage.

Seek it.
Pray for it.
See it.
Express it.

Yes, success in marriage marriage means making this affirmation a priority:

“I will make honor a way of seeing.”

Success In Marriage Inspiration

Affirmation # 2

Our second affirmation is…

“I will make gratefulness a way of speaking.”

Gratefulness can lighten loads,
Assists  in dispelling darkness,
Prompts meaningful conversations,
Helps in the healing of hurts,
And can give hope in our not-so-hopeful moments in life.

So decide…

Decide to see it.
Decide to share it.

And do so…

In your own unique way,
Expressing it to your loved one according to his or her own unique needs.

Yes, success in marriage  means making this affirmation a priority:

“I will make gratefulness a way of speaking.”

Success In Marriage Inspiration

Affirmation # 3

And for our third affirmation, we say…

“I will make responding in self-control a way of emoting.”

You know it.
And you have seen it in action.

A lack of self control can carry with it a lack of meaningful, “lets build together” results. It can cause more…

Fatigue than fellowship,
Pain than pleasure,
And increased measure of resentment instead of additional respect.

Pay attention to those moments when lack of self control rules and rule against them.

Yes, success in marriage  means making this affirmation a priority:

“I will make responding in self-control a way of emoting.”

Success In Marriage Inspiration

3 Heart Affirmations —  Reflections

Reflecting on these three brief affirmations related to success in marriage, how would I rate myself? Not a hard, critical, beat myself up rating: rather, a helpful, meaningful quick “How am I doing” check.

Should I journal any additional thoughts that come to mind or write anything down just to reinforce one or more ideas?

Should I record my success in this area for the purpose of being a positive influence to someone else?

Success In Marriage Inspiration

3 Heart Affirmations — Your Takeaway

My one positive, affirming, “success in marriage inspiration” takeaway for today is


© Lee Wise All rights reserved. You may freely distribute this inspirational note. The copyright and this resource box must be included.

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P.S. And May I Suggest… If you like this “Success In Marriage Inspiration3 Heart Affirmations article, please share it, reply or whatever!.  And don’t forget to check out the My Believer’s Guide for inspiration and encouragement in your walk with Christ!  Click here now!