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Making Marriage Matter Again

Success In Marriage Inspiration – On Active Listening

Success In Marriage Inspiration
On Active Listening

Alright!  You are now reading number 3 in the series entitled  “Success In Marriage Inspiration.”

Should you be stopping by for the first time, you will have have gathered that I try to make what I share:

Short — so it doesn’t take all day to read it!
Nurturing enough so that you might term it “inspirational.”
And encouraging enough because it has become meaningful to you in some hands on manner.

At least those are my goals.

Time now for one more original “success in marriage inspiration” quote:

On Active Listening
Being present in my heart
just enough to hear the “heart speak”
of the one I am caring for at the moment.
© Lee Wise

Success In Marriage Inspiration
On Active Listening — Reflections

I am speaking of a two-fold decision: the decision to listen and the the corresponding heart-felt decision to listen from the heart.  In other words…

“To be in the moment as much as is possible for the moment.”

With that quote and the comment above taking backstage in your mental space, think about:

The variety of situations you could be practicing the art of listening well for the purpose of caring well in the process:

Over the phone,
A chance meeting with the love of your life,
Listening while dining out,
Interacting about children,
Answering a question (serious or not so serious)…

Or simply pausing long enough to hear when what is being said may not be on the top of your list at the moment but you decide to make it the “listening pause that simply refreshes the heart.”

Point being: this “art” can be practiced…


Our “listening ability” can be improved as we practice it: repeatedly…. over…. time.

Success In Marriage Inspiration
On Active Listening —Questions

You might ask yourself…

“If I were to take 3 to 5 minutes for the purpose of recording ideas on how to listen better — just 3 to 5 minutes — when might I plan to do this?”


If you were to share with a child or someone newly married (including yourself) about the importance of listening well, what top three things would you tell that person or persons?

How could you be more “in the moment” when sharing the moments with your husband or wife… tomorrow?

Success In Marriage Inspiration
On Active Listening — Your Take Away

“My one positive, affirming, “success in marriage inspiration” takeaway for today is….


© Lee Wise All rights reserved. You may freely distribute this inspirational note. The copyright and this resource box must be included.

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P.S. And May I Suggest… If you like this “Success In Marriage InspirationOn Active Listening article, please share it, reply or whatever!.  And don’t forget to check out the My Believer’s Guide for inspiration and encouragement in your walk with Christ!  Click here now!